Tips for planning the redesign of your website



date: July 15 2019

The web is changing super quickly and the impacts on revenues and competitiveness of companies that cannot follow through are real. Redesigning your website is essential, but you still need to know why and when to do it.

The short and intense life of websites

The useful life of a website varies between 2 to 4 years. Does it seem little? It is! You may wonder how can a site become obsolete so quickly? The answer lies within these two things:

1 – The technological advances of the web are done at high speed.

2 – The “game rules” on the Internet are constantly evolving.

You should consider redesigning your website before falling too far behind. Or, before it no longer meet the SEO criteria on search engines. The redesign of your site allows:

  • To update the loading time of your site.
  • To improve its SEO on search engines.
  • To convert more visitors into customer.
  • To effectively communicate the scope of your service offer.
  • To manage the content of your site.

Speed Record

The technological advances on the web are usually about software and hardware level. Coding and programming, the security protocols, the functionalities, and the management tools are constantly evolving. Therefore, any kind of delay on this particular topic can result in a slow loading site, problems of posting, security flaws and assuredly, users’ frustration.

About the hardware level, the most significant technological advance is the rise of smartphones. Their small screen has completely changed the way of designing websites. Also, their various features, such as GPS, camera or microphone are used on new websites.

Are you up-to-date?

You should consider a partial or complete redesign if:

  • Your site does not have CMS (a content management system)
  • You don’t have a mobile version of your site
  • You are using flash
  • Your last redesign is older than 5 years old

Same game, different rules

For companies, the key to any website success is SEO. Appearing in search results is one thing, appearing first is another. The best way to benefit from efficient SEO is to know the rules and criteria with which algorithms determine the relevance of your site. The “catch” is that these rules are constantly changing.

Do you follow the rules?

Your website will be penalized if:

  • Your site is not suitable for mobile devices
  • Your site contains hyperlinks that no longer work
  • Your site’s sections are poorly organized
  • You don’t have sharing features on social networks
  • Your site contains texts and images of which you do not have the rights.
  • Your site has slow loading capacities.

«Forced» redesign

Even if your site is technologically up-to-date, it’s possible that the arrival of a new competitor, or even the reconfiguration of your services precipitate the redesign of your site. You will understand the importance of choosing the right web agency, able to plan the redesign according to your means and your needs.



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