to win

Curiosity, the need to network and access to information are driving millions of users to browse social networks daily.

Having a professional website brings credibility to your business, while social media allows interaction with your customers and an improved SEO.

For any business, social media has transformed our relationship with customers. The relations become more active rather than passive. It creates a privileged bond with the customer. Mostly inexpensive, social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Google my business gained to be used by retailers and business owners.

A Facebook advertising campaign is suitable for both small and big budgets, depending on strategy and needs. All managed by a Channel Manager, the ad creation tool makes it easy to enter specific parameters when deciding who your ad is for. Its presence in the newsfeed is programmed according to age, geographical position, first language and even the interests of the Internet users.

Channel Management

We will help you connect with your current and potential users.

If you have already tried or are currently managing your social media, you can probably agree that this task requires more effort than one can imagine. A good online presence requires consistency and relevance. Strategic planning is necessary to schedule your post (including the types of publications and time required to feed the platforms). That’s why our marketing communications agency can help you by becoming your Channel Manager.

Our social media agency will establish a strategy in managing your social networks. Once the strategy is ready, you can start promoting a real commitment and a sense of belonging among your users. It’s important to create this communication space, where you provide answers to questions and comments about your business. Social media allows you to publish informative and relevant articles about your area of ​​activity, in order to bring traffic on your website. Social networks provides an added value to your site!

In ‘Channel Management’, communications are more informal, dynamic and accessible than those on traditional media. Here’s a chance to show your true colors, your personality and to show what makes you unique.

Facebook Ads Campaign

With targeted advertising, every dollar is invested in the right place at the right time.

Unlike traditional media like TV and newspapers, Facebook can target precisely the types of profiles you are looking for. Knowing that the majority of people spend a considerable amount of time on this platform everyday, this user’s pool can be solicited with relevant content. Everyone wins with a well placed advertisement, since the user and the merchant find their account.

Facebook advertising settings allow you to schedule your ads in order to only appear on the lead news feed of your targeted audience. In the same way, we can also look for a new clientele.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising costs small fee only when the user clicks on your ad. As long as there is no interaction, there’s no fee. Facebook uses algorithms to optimize the effectiveness of your ads.



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