Création de site internet, SEO et marketing web - Inovision

Want to know whats new in the world of web and marketing?

A blog is a way to learn more about a particular topic; in our case, we are happy to share tips and explanations on what is happening in the Web domain. Good reading !


The terms CMS, SEO and B2B do not tell you anything? Check out our articles to learn more about trends in communication and web marketing!

SEO, SEA, SMO, SEM… what are we talking about?

Nowadays, we are all searching for information in one place: Google. We have come to an age where we no longer trust a store or restaurant th

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Mobile first – la grande révolution des petits écrans

Performants, abordables et capables de (presque) tout, les appareils mobiles sont aujourd’hui la première interface avec laquelle nous naviguons.

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What is a CMS ?

Parfois, il peut être facile de se perdre dans l’ensemble des termes techniques du web. Surtout quand on est novice dans le domaine!

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What’s a cookie? Should we fear them?

Cookies have a wide back and are often assigned wrongly to functions or properties that they do not have.

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What is Web hosting?

Hébergement web, nom de domaine, serveur, hébergeur… Comment se retrouver dans tout cela?

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What are the differences between a B2B and B2C website?

À l’ère de l’effervescence du commerce électronique, de plus en plus de commerces entreprennent le virage numérique.

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Looking to improve the presence of your company on the Web? Feel free to put into practice the advice we offer you through the articles opposite.

LinkedIn Ads: Why you need to be running them for your company!

In contrast ot many other platforms, LinkedIn ads are winning. They’re producing higher volume and better quality leads, which will do wonders for ROI on your marketing spend.

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COVID19 – Inovision Update

Due to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), Inovision continues to operate remotely. Thanks to remote working, we will continue to work on our projects and will remain available at all times to our customers. However, we have canceled all public events until further notice.

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Choosing your domain name

Votre nom de domaine est souvent l’une des premières impressions que les internautes ont de votre présence digitale.

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Tips for planning the redesign of your website

The web is changing super quickly and the impacts on revenues and competitiveness of companies that cannot follow through are real.

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Newsletter: 6 things to start doing

Pour une entreprise, l’infolettre est la solution idéale, directe et peu coûteuse afin de maintenir un lien entre vous et vos clients.

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Maintaining a blog: 3 avantages

Feeding a blog on your website takes you from spectator to actor.

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3 Tips to be found on the Web

Written content strategies and blog posts are a great way to attract traffic to your site.

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How to build or improve your SEO

Vous désirez voir apparaître votre site web tout en haut du moteur de recherche de Google ?

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How to detect Spam Call or Email Spam (and avoid their trap!)

Ah! These famous calls … Are you aware of SEO spam or Email Spam calls?

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