Newsletter: 6 things to start doing



date: July 15 2019

The newsletter’s reputation speaks for itself. For any business, the newsletter is the ideal direct and inexpensive solution to maintain a link between you and your customers. There are many benefits; it’s a fast way to reach a lot of people at the same time and it’s easily customizable. Also, it’s a better way to control the information that you wish to communicate, and especially, with whom. On the other hand, living in the era of social media, we know that a newsletter can sometimes be perceived as invasive and (too often) these emails are being redirected in the unwanted emails basket…

Afin que votre infolettre soit la plus efficace possible, c’est-à-dire qu’elle ne tombe pas sur les nerfs de vos clients et que vos courriels ne se retrouvent pas systématiquement dans la corbeille, nous vous suggérons de suivre ces quelques conseils. Voici donc six bonnes pratiques à mettre à l’oeuvre dès maintenant !

If you want your newsletter to be as effective as possible, we suggest following these few tips. This way, you can hope your emails won’t end up in the trash… Here are six good actions to start doing now!

For a relevant newsletter:

  • Target!; An effective newsletter requires A+ quality targeting. Who do you want to reach precisely? Who do you want to retain? Who do you want to keep in touch with? A newsletter allows you to reach precisely these people, but you still have to delimit your target.
  • Edit your mailing list as often as possible; To make sure your newsletter is directed to your targeted audience, it’s important to edit your mailing list rather often. Remove invalid emails, edit addresses, add new targets, etc. An optimized mailing list provides optimal results.
  • Think efficiency; Before writing your newsletter, ask yourself what you really want to share. A promotion? An interesting new? Pieces of advice? Do you have a strategy or plan? But above all, what are your goals? Do you want to inform, entertain or question? Once you have answered all of these questions, you can start writing your newsletter. Nevertheless, don’t lose sight of these questions! It’s beneficial to come back to some reflexion to ensure the efficiency and relevance of your newsletter.
  • Think quality instead of quantity; A single quality newsletter per month is much better than several small newsletters not properly done, isn’t it? It’s often better to send fewer newsletters but to send some of better quality that can be even more effective. Plan in advance how many publications you want to send, but most importantly, when do you plan to send them. Before pressing “Send”, also take the time to look at the layout, the images chosen, the colors used, the typography chosen, etc. Beyond the text itself, it’s important to pay close attention to the visual quality of your email.
  • Check, re-check and double-check again; There are never too many corrections! Just to avoid misspellings or grammar error, take the time to proof-read your newsletter before sending it.
  • Keep yourself updated; Listen to your customers. Consider every questions and comment from your customers. But above all, take the time to answer each and every one of those questions and comments. This shows that you are attentive and listening and that there is really someone behind these emails.

And then what?

That’s it, your newsletter is now transformed. Your emails are effective and reach your targeted audience. But what happens after sending all of your emails? Because yes, it’s equally important to apply the same effort during the before and after the process. There are many ways to compile statistics in order to constantly improve and optimize your website and newsletter. Most email marketing platforms already have sections where the most popular reports are counted. Otherwise, you can still compile your own statistics and keep them in an Excel file, for example.

In order to measure the efficiency of your newsletter, it’s useful to keep an eye on those following statistics; the number of emails sent, the number of rebounds, the number of openings, the number of clicks, the number of subscriptions as well as the number of unsubscriptions. For example, to ensure the well-being of your newsletter, make sure the opening number is between 25% and 45% of the number of mailings, which corresponds to the average opening rate of any newsletter.

About the number of rebounds, it means that the email did not reach its final destination. Fake email, typo error, inactive email, wrong recipient, etc., No matter the reason, your mailing list needs to be updated, as every company wants its newsletter to be delivered!

Do you have other tips to offer? Or just other questions? Let us know it in the comments!



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