Maintaining a blog:
3 avantages



date: July 15 2019

Feeding a blog on your website takes you from spectator to actor. From passive to active. In addition to improving your SEO on search engines, periodically updating a blog improves the reputation of your company while confirming your expertise in your domain. You have never blogged before? This is why you should start.

Blog means content

Your website is an efficient communication tool that allows you to connect with your clients and partners. Factual information about your website, such as your service offering, contact information, and your company’s mission is the first level of this relationship. By adding a content strategy, such as a blog, you move this relationship from the rational to the emotional level. With each new article, you start building a bond of trust with your clients, while providing them with arguments on why they should do business with you. Skeptical? Here are 3 concrete benefits that justify blogging.

1 – Free the expert sleeping inside of you.

Keeping a blog helps make you an expert in your field. Whether you are a florist, massage therapist, bicycle manufacturer or real estate broker, your experience makes you an expert. Sharing a blog about your successes, failures, and insights on issues related to your industry is an inexpensive way to build your reputation and build your expertise.

2 – Google and Bing love it.

Among the variables influencing the SEO of your website on search engines, the content weighs heavily in the balance. Keeping a blog on your site sends two signals to the search engines. First, it shows activity on your site, while saying that it is up-to-date. The algorithms of the search engines will favor sites regularly updated. Then, blogging on topics related to your industry expands the range of queries to your site. This means that with each new blog post, you open a new door to your site. The search engine algorithms analyze the content of each and every single one of your articles and show them to any Internet users interested about your subject.

3 – Blogs are travelling fast.

Blog articles travel. Short, informative and often news related, they can be easily shared on social networks and by email. And when your article travel, your brand and services gain in popylarity and in visibility. Giving your thoughts on issues that are affecting your industry is a great way to reach new markets or interact with future partners. A blog post can also trigger an exchange with other blog writers, which can change or develop your knowledge on your industry. Finally, here are some suggestions on ways to feed your blog:

  • Statistics’ analyzing: Comment on the publication of a statistic about your industry.
  • Establish a top 5, 10 or 50: make the best practices, best articles or movies about your industry.
  • Conduct an interview: with a client, a partner or another expert.
  • Unbolt a tenacious myth in your industry.
  • Give tips and tricks on using a product or service.
  • Answer a question frequently asked by your customers.
  • Make a portrait of an employee, associate or industry pioneer.
  • Case Study: Show how you helped a client in achieving their goals.
  • Share a good shot: tell your victories and explain why.
  • Share a failure: as the same for good moves, explain the causes of failure.



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