Photos / videos

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Our digital communication agency will manage your video project, from scripting to the publication on different platforms like Youtube and Viméo. A professional team is dedicated in creating images for your business. From a marketing point of view, a promotional or explanatory video challenges the viewer and increases their sense of commitment. Our multimedia agency can create a customized visual identity for your business.

The production team is in charge of creating the scripting, filming and editing of your video. The videos we produce can be used for a viral campaign on social media (such as Youtube or Vimeo), for integration on your website or to broadcast on a TV channel. Our digital marketing specialists will also participate in the project, to optimize your content and increase their visibility.

From scriptwriting to editing, the production of video media widens the opportunities of connection with users. The listener feels more challenged by a video than an image, and more attracted by an image than a single text.

Agence video animation Rive Sud | Production video

Create a sense of belonging.

You can use these mediums to your advantage and use them to show your accomplishments and create a bond with your customers. Although video is very efficient and aesthetically interesting, there are still few companies using it. You can promote your offer and optimize it while standing out from your competitors by showing a unique promotional tool that you can reuse in the future.

For example, explanatory videos are often shared because they contain useful information. Each sharing offers the opportunity to increase your viewers and potential clientele, even outside the country’s borders.

Agence video animation Rive Sud | Production video

Optimize video and photo format

Different resolutions and formats are downloaded depending on the internet connection to which a device is connected. A video being watched on a slow connection displays the lower resolution version, rather than a downloaded high resolution version. The user benefits from faster video loading. The same scenario is applicable for image quality. They shouldn’t be pixelated or be too heavy.

It can be interesting to play with the mediums of photo and video to optimize your business services. Rather than improvising as a videographer or photographer, using professional services ensures a flawless look that inspires confidence and quality.

suivi du positionnement et des données de positionnement naturel agence web marketing service numerique

Web marketing
is what’s feeding
your site.

You’re investing in an incredible and functional website – it’s in your interest that it attracts a lot of traffic. That’s where the talent of our marketing specialists becomes useful.

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service d'analyse de statistique

SEO is being
first without

Using SEO to improve the visibility of your website is, without a doubt, the first step towards increasing the visibility of your company.

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Paid referencing
(Google Ads)

Our SEA services, or paid search, will boost your natural positioning or stand out in a competitive field.

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How to be
known by
social networks.

The SMO is not to be neglected because, unlike other SEO methods, it is no longer a question of making your website known but of improving your digital identity globally.

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service d'analyse de statistique

Web Analytics, where the tool for measuring your notoriety.

Put in place various measures to improve the SEO of your site and this way the presence of your company on the web is good, the tracker is better.

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Création de contenu Web

A word when it comes to content marketing: relevance.

Our marketing communication agency offers you the expertise of editors, translators and video and photo producers, to communicate your message in a clear and aesthetic way.

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