Content Writing

Creating efficient online content

Online writing is different from simple writing, since the texts are refined and strategically divided according to the design and the marketing strategy. The editor is responsible for clearly communicating your information, highlighting your services, using appropriate language to your targeted clientele while respecting the constraints of the web.

Reading on a screen brings its share of disadvantages. Reading time is longer and readability is more difficult. This is why you have to adapt your content for the web. Our content creation specialists will write your texts so they can meet the criteria of web writing. Choosing a specialist in editorial content creation is a wise choice.

Agence de création et rédaction de contenu Web Rive Sud

Accessible language

Sophisticated terminology shows that you are an expert in your field, but if your clientele isn’t, you will rather benefit from a simplified communication style. Your website can serve as an educational platform in order to add value to your traditional sales services. It can be used to answer common questions and popularize more complex concepts of your services. The web editor is able to determine the type of writing that will meet your type of client to write and optimize your texts according to your goal.

Because the reader is constantly bombarded with commercials, it’s important to quickly capture the interest of potential customers.

Agence de création et rédaction de contenu Web Rive Sud

Writing for the web and SEO results of your site

When choosing SEO service, editors receive a bank of keywords to be included specifically in each page. They incorporate the right keywords to optimize the referencing of your website. It’s an additional effort that requires more time, but is quickly profitable, since the traffic increases proportionally. Optimize for better profitability.

The benefits of using writing service include increased performance of your website as well as relevant and efficient texts. Good digital content encourages visitors and share your page as an informative reference.

suivi du positionnement et des données de positionnement naturel agence web marketing service numerique

Web marketing
is what’s feeding
your site.

You’re investing in an incredible and functional website – it’s in your interest that it attracts a lot of traffic. That’s where the talent of our marketing specialists becomes useful.

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service d'analyse de statistique

SEO is being
first without

Using SEO to improve the visibility of your website is, without a doubt, the first step towards increasing the visibility of your company.

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Paid referencing
(Google Ads)

Our SEA services, or paid search, will boost your natural positioning or stand out in a competitive field.

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How to be
known by
social networks.

The SMO is not to be neglected because, unlike other SEO methods, it is no longer a question of making your website known but of improving your digital identity globally.

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service d'analyse de statistique

Web Analytics, where the tool for measuring your notoriety.

Put in place various measures to improve the SEO of your site and this way the presence of your company on the web is good, the tracker is better.

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Création de contenu Web

A word when it comes to content marketing: relevance.

Our marketing communication agency offers you the expertise of editors, translators and video and photo producers, to communicate your message in a clear and aesthetic way.

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